Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Steven comes HOME!!!

Hi all,

Sorry for the long pause in updates...we've been busy around here with lots of goings on, getting ready for Steven's return and keeping him company in the hospital. Drew has been trained in the fine art of home nursing and has all of Steven's supplies in order thanks to Rachel and Charlene too. Lisa has been here for this week and has been documenting Steven's progression and was there today to drive him home. We'll let the photos say the rest....


  1. hey!! i LOVE seeing you getting out of the hospital, steven! i am sure Chance is soooo happy to have you home - and that's so great for both of you!! thinking about you every day - you're looking good. and i like the shot of you checking your cell phone... texting already, eh? fantastic!! must be sooo nice to be in your own bed, sitting in your own backyard. wonderful!! thinking about you every day, and still sending Johrei and powerful healing prayers your way, my dear dear friend.
    miss you steven, and i will be so happy to see you this november.
    love love and more love,

  2. Steven is doing so well. Other than being a bit thinner he looks great and is in very good spirits. He is so darn independent and knows his feeding and medication schedule like the back of his hand. His strength has increased dramatically in just one week.

    Watching all of this has blessed me immeasurably. He is so strong-willed and such a fighter. Drew and Rachel have been amazing to watch. I've never seen better, more loyal and uber-competent friends than these two. I guarantee you that he couldn't be in better hands. And it's evident that he feels very comfortable that he's in great hands. Love has healed him and will continue to do so. I feel so lucky to be witnessing it.

    He's already talking about going camping. It's so wonderful to have you back Steven.

  3. Hello, Mr. Amazing!

    What a joy to see photos of you on your patio laughing with a friend, petting Chance, and propped up in your own bed! I am so happy for you and proud of you and thankful to God and all your family and friends who could be there for you. My heart sings for you, Steven!

    You remain in our thoughts and prayers.


